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Found 206 results for any of the keywords food lodgement. Time 0.008 seconds.
Decay in Enamel, cavities or caries in teethDecay in Enamel, cavities or caries in teeth, hole or black spots on teeth which leads to food lodgement in teeth
Halitosis - Bad breath - Bad odor from mouthHalitosis - Bad breath - Bad odor from mouth, hole or black spots on teeth which leads to food lodgement in teeth
Famdent ShowFAMDENT Shows has multiple offerings with a strong foothold in the Indian Dental Industry, including the flagship Famdent Show Mumbai, Famdent Show Hyderabad & Famdent Excellence in Dentistry Awards.
Exhibitor Profileinfection control and maintenance
International SpeakersTake your dentistry to the next level. Learn and Interact with stalwart @ Famdent Hyderabad.
Famdent ShowFAMDENT Shows has multiple offerings with a strong foothold in the Indian Dental Industry, including the flagship Famdent Show Mumbai, Famdent Show Hyderabad & Famdent Excellence in Dentistry Awards.
Live Dentistry ArenaMesse D sseldorf India Pvt. Ltd. 20th Floor, Tower A, Building No. 5 DLF Cyber City, Phase II Gurugram - 122002 Tel: +91-124-4544500
FAMDENTMesse D sseldorf India Pvt. Ltd. 20th Floor, Tower A, Building No. 5 DLF Cyber City, Phase II Gurugram - 122002 Tel: +91-124-4544500
How To SeriesHow to - Series which will showcase clinical procedures demonstrated Live on the podium.
AgendaTake your dentistry to the next level. Learn and Interact with stalwarts @ Famdent Hyderabad.
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